
Coronavirus and the Courts

A Message From MacDaniel Reynolds

If you or your loved one has received a citation for a DUI, has been arrested for a DUI, or has an open DUI case in the courts right now, please read this, and then, if we can help you, please call us today at 503.223.3422.

1. There is a legal tidal wave coming, and I’m truly concerned that a lot of folks are going to fall through the cracks and be harmed.

Our police are now charging people with DUI by giving them citations with first court dates starting a month or more into the future. Our courts are unable to deal with all the cases already in the system and are pushing these cases out a month or more into the future. This means that in four to six weeks, the sheer volume of all these cases will swamp the courts, district attorney’s offices, court appointed attorneys and, frankly, most private law firms. Please don’t put your faith into ‘the system’ to look out for your best interests – I’m afraid a lot of people are going to fall through the cracks and be seriously harmed.

Reynolds Defense Firm knows this is coming, and we are working with our clients not just to avoid harm but to actually take advantage of legal opportunities that will present themselves. We remain open for business (just by phone instead of in-person) and our legal team is working hard to get every one of our clients into the best position to come out ahead during this experience. The more time we have to work with you on your case, the better we can help you in this same way, so please don’t wait until the last minute to talk with us.

2. You wouldn’t want to hire an attorney who was leaving for a two-week vacation when you needed him or her the most, but if your attorney gets sick in the middle of your case, who takes care of you? Now more than ever, please hire a legal team, not a single attorney, to help you.

I wouldn’t normally be this blunt, because there are some great solo attorneys that I do respect, but right now, with the coronavirus reality with us, you want a legal team representing you, and I say this from personal experience. Back in 2009 I was a solo attorney and I caught the swine flu. I didn’t have a legal team to back me up then, so I did my best by myself, as I’m sure every attorney would do, but I remember trying to drag myself off the couch to take care of my clients, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, attorney or client. Please don’t let that happen to you. Hire a legal team, not a solo attorney right now.

Reynolds Defense Firm’s legal team of six lawyers and five legal assistants are working remotely and using technology to share case information and stay in touch with each other. If one of us does fall ill, the rest of us are ready to step up to continue to take great care of our clients.

3. When deciding which law firm to work with, please ask questions about how the law firm has responded to the coronavirus and be sure that whomever you choose to work with is in the right headspace to be able to focus their attention on taking care of you.

At the end of the day, law firms are businesses, and many businesses are closing their doors right now. Many small business owners, including law firm owners, are having a hard time with their own professional and personal life situations. Please ask whatever questions you need to in order to feel comfortable that the law firm you choose has the business stability necessary to focus on you and your case.

4. Each courthouse is handling this situation differently – some courts are open, some are closed, and some are open for certain cases but not others. These same courthouses are also changing their own policies, sometimes daily, and courthouse websites are not always keeping up with the changes.

Reynolds Defense Firm is on top of this. In fact, we even had a judge complement us for being the only firm in an entire courthouse who is thinking ahead and truly taking care of clients during this challenging time.

When I say that I hope you never need to call us, I mean it. And when I say that we’re here if you need us, I mean that too. Choosing the right law firm to help you is always important, but it has taken on ever more meaning right now. If you need legal help, I truly believe Reynolds Defense Firm is your best option, and if we choose to work together, I promise we’ll do our absolute best for you.

We’re Here if You Need Us

Call Us Now: (503) 223-3422

You’ve heard it on our radio ads, you’ve seen it in our social media posts and monthly newsletters, “We’re here if you need us”. Now more than ever this is true. Reynolds Defense Firm IS here if you need us. Call us, if you have questions. Call us, if you’re not sure what’s happening. Call us if you need some help – we’re here now.

RDF is a Team – We Learned This Lesson the Hard Way in 2009

Many years back when Dan was practicing law as the sole attorney, he caught the swine flu. He knows how hard it was to take care of his clients when he was sick and, quite frankly, probably wasn’t his best self while he still tried to help them. Back then, he didn’t have a choice. He never wants clients to have to go through that again, so he designed a firm with a deep bench. Our legal team has 6 attorneys and 5 Legal assistants to help you. If any one member gets sick, we have others to step in and help you.

This is exactly why you hired a qualified team of attorneys. We are prepared to continue working on your case and going to court with, and for, you.

We’re here if you need us. Breathe.

Here at RDF, every team member can work remotely, so we can keep on helping you not only wherever you are, but also wherever we are. Please know that regardless of whether we are working from our offices or from our homes, you will be able to contact your team and we will continue to work on your case to get you the best result.

Know that you can focus on how what’s occurring right now impacts you personally. With changes happening with your job, or your child’s school, or the people you need to take care of, we want you to have the reassurance that we’ve got your back with what is happening with the courts. Your top priority at this time is to stay healthy, and we want to keep that your top priority.

Opportunities Come Gift Wrapped in Problems

This is one of our core beliefs, and we believe that this situation will create opportunities.

The Courts are Open to Creative Solutions Now More Than Ever

This doesn’t mean that your case is going to go away or that you’re not going to have to complete the requirements that the court has set up for you. What it might mean is that your appearance might be telephonic instead of in person, or that you might have a little more time to complete elements of your case that include large group meetings. We don’t yet know all the solutions that are available to us, but rest assured, our attorneys are looking for the opportunities for you during this time.

DMV Issue, Expungement or Bench Warrant? Now is the Time to Address It!

RDF has always been designed to help people move forward with life. With ever expanding containment both for our team and you personally – there is potentially more time to take care of nagging things that weren’t a priority before. Our team can help you with expungements, with lifting bench warrants and DMV issues in a way that we haven’t been able to before. There is opportunity here to take care of some of these things in this “lull” in life so that once we all go back to normal, you can focus on moving forward because you’ve taken care of these things.

Life can be Hard; We Have a Personal Development Program That can Help

Right now, news and social media can trigger fears about the unknown and what comes next. It feels a little surreal almost like a dystopian movie. How do you mange all of this and stay positive and focused on what’s important? It’s a challenge and a decision you’ll need to make & remake tens of times a day. If you’re really struggling, we have a way to help. Blue Binder Project is a 4-week personal development course. It is designed to be remote, with materials delivered to your home or email inboxes and weekly coaching calls to help you through it. We designed it to help people deal with the Window of Clarity that comes with a difficulty in life such as an arrest or a divorce. For some people, what’s happening in the world right now is just as challenging and offers an opportunity to improve your mindset.

Please call us if you have concerns or questions, we will do everything we can to help address your needs. We can work together to find the best solution for you, both your case and your life.

MacDaniel Reynolds and your entire RDF Team

Client Reviews
These are fantastic people! I was so nervous when I first came in, but they treated me like a human, not someone who had messed up in a major way. Throughout the process, they helped me understand all the steps and supported me both with the legal stuff, but also the personal stuff. J.M.
Reynolds Defense is amazing. From the minute they pick up the phone, the entire staff is outstanding. Don't bother shopping , wondering who to get, if they are going to help or hinder, do they even care. Reynolds Defense Firm will not disappoint. T.H.
When they tell you to let them worry about your legal issue and for you to take care of yourself they really do mean it. DUIs are no joke and I was assuming the worst. And they literally saved my life, my job my home and my license. B.O.
The firm knows what they're doing, treated me with dignity during a time where I felt very overwhelmed and unsure of what I was going to do. They helped me through my entire unpleasant experience by following up with me every step of the way, ensuring I was never left in the dark. E.S.
Take it from me and don't go it alone. If your feeling sick to your stomach you are not alone. From the very first phone call they will treat you like family and have your back the whole way. You wont have one but a team of lawyers. B.W.
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